Heavy Mobile Equipment Performance Uplift

Open-Cut Mine, WA

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Site had recently experienced a number of major engine failures on their haul truck fleet, significantly impacting fleet reliability. In addition, other key productive fleets were also failing to achieve required performance availability targets by up to 25%.

To expedite fleet breakdown recovery, site mobilised extra labour resources, resulting in substantial cost increases. Whilst beneficial initially, this labour influx further destabilised the planned maintenance work management cycle, negatively impacting output.

What we did

Completed detailed site diagnostic.

Developed immediate haul-truck recovery plan.

Benchmarked site performance against industry.

Completed a rigorous work management assessment and identified key initiatives to deliver sustained improvement.


Developed an equipment recovery blueprint to expedite haul truck major breakdown repairs.

Outlined a strategic action plan, by maintenance function, to embed long-term and sustained improvement.

Identified ongoing annual labour cost-savings of >$2M.

Two years post assessment, site was considered to have the best mobile maintenance equipment performance in their business.


Critical Spares Assessment


Leadership Program Development